Wednesday, September 21, 2016

One dark, and stormy night..

Last night the storms boomed.  Our poor puppy (OK, old dog), shivered, and I prepared for an early day at the clinic.  The light is changing fast and we drove to Rochester in nearly pitch dark.   I drive through beautiful bluffs and rolling farmland.  I am truly lucky to live where I do.

As I was waiting to talk to the nurse (more on her later), I struck up a conversation with the woman next to me.  She overheard me talking to my substitute, who had some tech questions.  She guessed I was a teacher, and, it turns out her son is as well.  She and her husband travel, every two weeks, from North Dakota to participate in a drug trial.  It is helping him tremendously.   I am thankful for their hope, and again, for my easy ability to access quality care.

Each day, I report about 2 hours before chemo starts to draw blood.  They run my blood to make sure I am healthy enough to receive chemo.  So far, so good.  Between blood draw and chemo I talk to a nurse about my week and my lab results.  This is my shout out to all the nurses.  You make this impersonal process human.  It is hard to imagine how assembly-line-like this process can be, and how many people are on the same path.  Lisa, "my" nurse takes time to talk to me.  She comes and finds me, rather than using the ubiquitous beeper system.   We both have only one child, so we encounter the same challenges, and joys, that come with that.  We don't just talk about numbers and symptoms.   She keeps me grounded on a crappy day.

We interrupt the regularly scheduled program for a proud mama Moment!  I love her independent spirit, straightforward approach to life, and clear-eyed gaze.  She makes me proud every day!

I also want to thank all the volunteers who help make my time in chemo a little brighter.  I have been visited by women who have survived breast cancer.  It is a relief to talk chemo with someone that KNOWS what I am experiencing.   There are other volunteers dispensing snacks, last week I was given hand-made crystal earrings, this week a hand massage!  The volunteer today may have given me an extra long massage as she retired from interior design, which is what my amazing daughter is going to study.  I got the business from her.  She was an elegant lady who filled me in on the reality of working in the field.  It ain't HGTV. I believe people are showing up just when I need them.

All things considered, my numbers remain normal.  I have one potassium is low.  Luckily this is easily resolved with a supplement.   I thank God every day for making this journey go so smoothly.  In fact, my hair is like the loaves and fishes.....I keep losing it, and I still have enough.

1 comment:

  1. You are an inspiration to so many! Keep your positive attitude. Your a wonderful mother and it shows thru your daughter. I have not known you very long much at all but from what I do know and when I first met you-your a rock star! Thank you for being an inspiration to the little ones as you go through your journey! HUGS
    Dawn Quinn
